A self-taught Canadian Artist who developed a passion for singing suddenly discovered her talents, took her to the Winnipeg Arena on stage with Celine Dion in 1996.
Suzanne performed for over 3000 people in Las Vegas and for the Pan American Games in Winnipeg. Victor Davies, songwriter for the Pan Am Games said “Aretha Franklin showed up” when he heard Suzanne audition.
Movies seemed like fun too, so Suzanne ventured to the film industry and met Dan Akroyd in the making of “The Avro Arrow”. Other movies include Marriage of Convenience, The Clown at Midnight, Nights Below Station Street, The Adventures of Shirley Holmes, The David Milgaard Story, A Helluva Woman, and many television commercials.
In New York, Suzanne has performed on the same show with Soupy Sales, Zimmerman of Hogan Heroes, Andrea Roman and many other comedians and actors (Joey Reynolds birthday roast).
Suzanne has co-written songs with Grammy winner Freshie I.E. (Rob Wilson) and other Award winning artists.
Suzanne Mariani did receive acceptance for the roster of musicians to perform for the Air Force, Pentagon, Washington. (Armed Forces Entertainment) USO tour, classic rock and Motown cover songs for the American Troops.