For starters, I'm in a very great 50's, 60's, 70's cover band named "Smokebox" with top notch players and an amazing young female singer who can really belt her vocals.
I also have a new bluegrass project that has been fun - we've taken 16 1980's pop hits and redone them as bluegrass and have CD's and Merchandise. The album is called "A Tease Done Bluegrass" and many people are entertained when we perform - especially the slightly older folks and the younger adults as well.
I also am able to do accurate impressions and tributes of a number of artists - namely Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, Neil Young, Johnny Cash, Bruce Springsteen and Willie Nelson to name a few and can put together tribute bands at moments notice with top players I have good working relationships with (Gilles Fournier, Paul Hampton, Kent Macrae, Jeremy Rusu, Julian Bradford, Curtis Nowasad, Mark Arnault, Patti Lamoureux, Sky Onosson, the list goes on and on).
I also have an original songs show with a band or solo. This is what I do the most often. I have 14 albums out and tour a few times a year.
I've performed corporate events with my guitar doing instrumentals of well known classic hit songs and gone over really well. I play a few different shows - a blues show, bluegrass show and a rockin’ party show.