Mind magic consists of astounding and very funny demonstrations of mentalism - or magic of the mind. Louis has been demonstrating his amazing talents around the world for over 30 years and is considered one of the top mentalists in North America. His show is the perfect entertainment for any setting including banquets, conferences, meetings, golf tournaments, fundraisers, and conventions and wants to help you make your next special event unforgettable!
Louis' show has lots of audience participation - everyone is a part of the show! Your guests become the stars, as they take part in funny and astonishing demonstrations of “mindreading”, photographic memory, and mind over matter - where metal objects bend, twist and melt!
Mind magic is specifically designed to establish an instant rapport with audiences of mixed ages and interests. This is fun, thought-provoking, world-class entertainment, with “clean” humour. There are lots of funny situations and the audience loves seeing the reactions of those taking part on stage - especially when they've just had their mind read, or caused a spoon to bend in their hand!
There is nothing like witnessing something impossible to explain while laughing and discussing with friends and family! Please note: no one is embarrassed during the show and there are no cheap laughs here - everyone is treated with respect and courtesy.
Mind magic is very easy to stage with minimal technical requirements and maximum entertainment value. This unique, hassle-free show will delight you and your guests. You will get rave reviews for your choice of entertainment and everyone will thank you for providing them with an event, unlike anything they have ever experienced!
Louis' clients are a who's who of Canadian businesses including Safeway, Sears, 3M, Shell, McDonald’s, Esso, Fritolay, Enbridge, Remax, Home Outfitters, Ford, Triple 5 Corp, and many, many more. Louis tailors his mind magic presentations for any group, in any setting. This versatility has made him one of Canada’s leading variety entertainers and one of the top mentalists in North America.
Critics are unanimous: “spectacular” CBC radio; “must-see” Victoria news; “mind-blowing” Monday magazine; “incredible” Edmonton journal; “bizarre” Winnipeg free press; “remarkable” Victoria city view; “spellbinding” Cowichan news leader; “uncanny” Saskatoon star phoenix; “unexplainable” Edmonton examiner; “cool” Georgia straight; “amazing” see magazine; “Can I faint now?” A channel TV.
Louis Pezzani's mind magic will make your event unforgettable!