A long-time admirer of the legendary Man in Black, Gary created a tribute show to the Master in 2004, and together with his three-piece band, the “Mad-Cow-Boys”, he toured throughout B.C. As the popularity of the show grew, and with the increased demand for Johnny Cash music as a result of the "Walk the Line” movie in 2005, Gary started touring across Canada, sometimes with the band, sometimes as a featured solo act, and sometimes as a part of his larger package show that included other tribute artists.
As of 2011, his “The Life and Times of Johnny Cash” show is appearing regularly in Theaters, Casinos, Arenas, etc. across the country, as well as at fairs, rodeos, and other music festivals whenever time permits. With over 600 performances, it has become the longest running Johnny Cash Tribute show in Canada, and is executed with such realism that it has engendered such comments as “he is playing Johnny’s songs and just lip-synching”, and “I never got to see Johnny in person, but now I feel I have”.
The show always includes some interesting lesser-known historical facts about Johnny, a full audio-visual element, and lots of good old-fashioned fun.